Friday, April 13, 2012


I can't believe how fast the year flies by...wasn't Christmas just yesterday??? We had a nice Easter this year, all the kids came home except Todd. He thought that he needed to go to a friends bachelor party instead Eastering at home. On Saturday we took the kids out to the Sand Hills so the girls could roll their Easter Eggs down the sand hills. They loved every minute of it! The Boys spent the better part of the day golfing, but managed to meet us at the sand hills for dinner and fun. We did the Christensen tradition of Fried Chicken, Potato Salad, and Deviled Eggs (we forgot the OLIVES, that is the Clark tradition). It was fun watching the girls get sand all over themselves and not even care. They are just all so dang fun.
On Sunday morning, half of the bunch went to Church and the other half stayed home. Mike, Susan, Meghann and I took Sienna, Haley, Kelly and Riley out to swing and jump on the trampoline since it was a gorgeous day. Susan left her girls in our watch while she took Kelly in the house and little Haley fell off the ladder to the slide (on our watch). She was not a happy little girl. She didn't settle down and acted like her arm was really hurting, so Susan decided to take her into the ER and have her checked. OMG, she broke her arm. Mike and I felt soooooo bad!!! She was a little trooper though, and all the other girls felt sad for her when she got home. If not for that, we had a wonderful Easter Day. Love It!!!! LOVE MY FAMILY